Jump in and join #TeamSHP for the UK's biggest open water swimming event  - Swim Serpentine 2024!

All your needs are catered for with heated changing rooms, dunk zone, pontoon start and finish, full water safety crew, and exhibition area. Last year, more than 5,000 people took part in the event, including Hollywood star Minnie Driver and Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter Linford Christie. We will be updating with spaces soon!

When is Swim Serpentine? Saturday 17th September 2024

Half-Mile Swim:  Features half a lap of the world-famous lake in London’s Hyde Park and is a great option if you’re looking for an achievable but memorable swim at this iconic event.

One-Mile Swim:  This is the most popular of all the swim distances at Swim Serpentine with swimmers taking anything from 20 minutes through to one hour to complete it.

Two-Mile Swim:  For those who would like to test themselves with two full (1.6km) laps of the Serpentine. Aimed at more experienced swimmers who have already completed a mile open water swim previously.

Super-Six Swim:  If you love the camaraderie of outdoor swimming events but want to go that little bit further (OK, quite a lot further), this is the distance for you!

Fundraising target: £200

Swim Serpentine course map

Your fundraising will transform the lives of young Londoners like Alexi

Alexi, 18, won’t let anything get in the way of achieving her dreams. After becoming homeless at just 16, she moved into our young people service in Greenwich, found stability focused her energy into studying and  recently received an offer from Oxford University.

The benefits of joining #TEAMSHP

  • A dedicated contact at Single Homeless Project , who will give you one to one support all the way!
  • You'll be sent a souvenir swim cap to wear on the day and awarded with a medal after completing their swim.
  • An amazing Single Homeless Project branded running vest or t-shirt!
  • Fundraising support, materials, ideas and tips
  • Your very own personal cheer squad on the day of Swim Serpentine

Booking for this event has now closed.